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CONSCIOUSNESS COACHING®  is a spiritually informed coaching method developed by Eryka Stanton that educates you to become your own COACH + HEALER. Eryka trains people to become qualified in this holistic modality worldwide through her training organisation- The Academy of Soul Empowerment.

People who have committed to coaching have reported experiencing:



  • A much better relationship with themselves

  • Greater self-awareness and spiritual connection

  • More compassion towards self and others

  • Deeper and healthier relationships with others

  • More passionate  & inspired

  • Less stress, fear & more energy

  • Reduced anger, more control and calmness

  • Better health and an improved wellbeing

  • Ability to live in the present and enjoy life

  • Happiness, health and optimism with a clear goal, plan and direction.


CONSCIOUSNESS COACHING® is a heart-led coaching process that will support you to explore and discover you own insights and direction by helping you expand your sense of inner and outer conscious awareness. It seeks to bring you into a harmonious relationship with your everyday life, your past and with your true INNER DIVINE SELF. You will experience this by expanding your awareness beyond your stories, conditioning, ego and personality. This allows you to see and relate to your experiences in a more meaningful and accurate context. You will shift from a place of fear, pain, suffering and disempowerment to a place of clarity, strength, truth and freedom.


CONSCIOUSNESS COACHING® differs to coaching at a personality, ego level that most coaching and traditional therapy is pitched at. Think of it as advanced spiritual guidance. If you want deep transformation that will radically SHIFT you to a higher consciousness and an EXPANDED awareness of who you are.


Our holistic session are designed to be an adventure of SELF-DISCOVERY; you will gain a new perspective to your problems and see solutions you could not see before. You will learn tools and strategies that will help you improve your life and uncover how to make better decisions by empowering you to achieve your soul-based goals.  We are one of few services in Melbourne and the rest of the world that offer an integrative approach to holistic life coaching


Eryka's grounded yet powerful coaching will offer you life long value and insight . Her services are designed to assist you with building confidence and self-esteem, as well as provide effective relationship coaching and counselling to people world-wide.



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Please Note: Modalities represented on this site are not a substitute for treating medical or psychiatric disorders and cannot take the place of medical advice or treatment.


Event Bookings must be made in writing via email. Payment of deposit for event bookings confirm your registration. 


All event deposits are non-refundable. Cancellation of registration with less than a week's notice incurs full payment requirement. 


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Empowered Living



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Eryka Stanton

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